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On 13th November 2020, The Hospital Infant Feeding Network, the GP Infant Feeding Network and Breastfeeding for Doctors published the following letter to the Health Secretaries of the four UK nations on the separation of mothers and children in hospitals, which was signed by 21 organisations and over 4000 health professionals and parents (as of 05/12/2020). If you would like to sign the letter please click here.

Dear Matt Hancock, Vaughan Gething, Jeane Freeman, Robin Swann and Stephen Donnelly, 
The Covid-19 pandemic has had huge impacts on families and children, with particular impact during pregnancy and new parenthood [1,2], as emphasised by the #ButNotMaternity campaign. We welcome the recent commitment by the Government to provide rapid Covid-19 testing to maternity and paediatric patients as a priority.
However, as restrictions tighten again, increasing numbers of mothers are still being separated from their babies where one or both are hospitalised, including cases where separation actively increases the risks of severe or prolonged illness because of its impact on lactation.
Bliss - the charity for families with babies cared for in neonatal units - has highlighted the critical importance of parental access in hospital settings, reinforcing that parents are not visitors [3]. We amplify this call, and also emphasise that when the baby is breastfed, this constitutes not only essential nutrition but also protects infant development in both the short- and long-term [4]. Furthermore, separation due to hospitalisation increases the risk of maternal complications caused by the abrupt cessation of breastfeeding, such as mastitis [5], and decreases the likelihood of breastfeeding being established.
We call upon all hospitals caring for families to review their practices urgently, aiming:
  • To keep mothers and children together as much as possible, acknowledging that neither is a ‘visitor’ when the other is hospitalised
  • To work in accordance with evidence-based guidelines already published [6,7,8]
  • To ensure provision of breast pumps and feeding support if separation is necessary
  • To value and prioritise the breastfeeding relationship when a breastfeeding mother or child are hospitalised
  • To support parents and children with compassion 
Moreover, we call for the urgent convening of a working group to draw up national policies that specifically address the needs of families during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding to ensure hospital care minimises any negative impact on mental health, bonding and infant feeding in these challenging times. The likelihood of long-term adjustments due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic means it is not acceptable for ad hoc arrangements to be made leading to inequity across hospital settings and across the country. There is an urgent need for the implementation of clear and universal guidelines and standards to protect the lives and long-term health of UK families.[9]
4. Victora C, Bahl R, Barros A, França G, Horton S, Krasevec J et al. Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect. Lancet. 2016;387(10017):475-490.
We understand that not all lactating people identify as mothers. Understanding the impact of lactation on hospital admission for an adult or a child is needed for all, regardless of gender identity

Signed by

Dr Vicky Thomas and Dr Ilana Levene, paediatricians, co-chairs Hospital Infant Feeding Network
Dr Natalie Shenker, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Imperial College London; Cofounder and Director, Human Milk Foundation
Dr Louise Santhanam, GP, GP Infant Feeding Network
Prof Mary Fewtrell, Professor of Paediatric Nutrition, Institute of Child Health
Dr Sarah Little, GP
Dr Rachel Cook, GP trainee
Dr Elizabeth Thomas, consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Jessica Phillips, consultant surgeon
Diana Slim, respiratory registrar
Jenny O’Neill, SHO, Northumbria Trust
Jennifer Hobbs, junior doctor, paediatric rehabilitation
Marie Collier, doctor, NHS
Dr Adrianna Tseretopoulos, GP
Dr Rebecca Jones, GP, London
Katie Jackson, GP
Sophie Jones, Palliative Care registrar West Midlands Deanery
Sophie Jane Connor, ST3 radiology, NHS
Claire Granger, neonatologist
Ruth Capon, Obs and Gynae Doctor, North East
Dr Jessica Dickson, Paediatric SpR
Catrina Mcdowall, GP NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Charlotte Leahy, NHS Doctor
Gemma Partridge, Consultant Obstetrician, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust
Hannah Law, Paediatric Registrar, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Georgina Forbes, Doctor, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Katy Martinek, GP, Cumbria
Sally Hallam, surgical SPR
Dr Joanna Myer, Emergency Medicine registrar doctor
Annemarie Brunswicker, ST6 Cardiothoracic Surgery
Dr Lorriane McFarlane, GP NHS Fife
Kirstie Gale, Doctor
Dr Justice Reilly, Specialty Breast Doctor, West of Scotland Breast Screening
Aimee Rowe, Hospital Doctor
Frances Elliott, Paediatric Registrar
Dr Aimee Barlow, Staff Grade Doctor
Nicole Norman, IMT 1 Cardiology, Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust
Charlotte Yates, GP SCGP
Leanne Jackson, GP
Dr Emily Hesketh, doctor (medical SHO), QEH King’s Lynn, and Vice Chair of Breastfeeding Mum Meets Norfolk
Emily Rowe, GP
Rebecca West, Paediatric Doctor
Suzanne McAllister, Neonatal doctor
Megan Ashwood, GPST2 Cumbria
Dr Carys Jones, GP
Emily Poyser, Mother and doctor
Jennifer Rodgers, FY2
Jasmina Custovic, GP
Dr Eleanor Barnet-Lamb, GP
Dr Rebecca Clements, Paediatric Registrar, Mersey Deanery
Lai Ling Tan, Consultant, NHS
Habiba Ali, Paediatrician
Dr Naomi Dow, GP – Inverurie Medical Group
Nadia Masood, Consultant Anaesthetist, NHS Lothian
Dr Nicola Williams, GP
Samantha Louise Forster, Obstetrics and gynaecology registrar
Eleanor Argyle, GP registrar doctor, Swindon
Natalie Dawson, GP
Josephine Glanville, GPST2 Doctor, West Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Dr Susie Minson, Consultant Paediatrician
Sophie Gascoigne-Cohen, Specialty Doctor, Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Miss Abigail Jonas FRCOphth, ophthalmology ST6, University Hospital Southampton
Eva Mahler, GP, NHS Lothian
Caroline Warden, Hospital doctor
Alexandra McGuirk, doctor
Dr Annabelle Mary Kerr, GP partner, Stonehaven Medical Group
Jo Shephard, Obstetrics and gynaecology ST4
Abigail Gallaghrt, GP
Dr Maria Cristina Loader, SpR Infectious Diseases/General Internal Medicine
Clare Jones, GP
Dr Madeleine Miller, GP
Clare Bird, Anaesthetist, Mid and South Essex Hospitals Trust
Jennifer Turner, Medical SpR, Western Sussex Hospitals Trust
Susannah Pye, PICU Registrar, St Mary’s Hospital
Jessica MacWilliam, Paediatric ST7
Annie Houldey, GP
Ella Grummitt, GPST3
Dr Clare Burlinson, Anaesthetic consultant
Amy Maguire, Paediatric registrar
Laura Walters, GP, Rame Group Practice
Katie Rose, ST6 Paediatrics
Esther Knight, FY2
Felicity Rowley, on maternity leave
Kim Jennett, Anaesthetic Consultant
Duana Cook, ST6 Paediatrics. St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey
Natasha Asselin-Miller, ST7 O&G Cambridge University Hospitals
Louise Clark, Consultant Physician, NHS Lanarkshire
Cathryn Bloomfield, Palliative medicine Registrar
Hannah Glover, gastroenterology consultant
Saira Aslam, GP
Malenka Bissell, Clinical lecturer University of Leeds
Dr Hana Iqbal, GP
Dr Emily Jones, General Practitioner
Stephanie Johnso, Doctor
Dr Abigail Inglis, GP
Deborah Kirkham, Consultant in Genitourinary and HIV Medicine
Emily Calder, Paediatrician, NHS
Dr Joanna Sedano, Specialty registrar
Dr Susannha Wincell, Doctor/mother to baby born in lockdown
Rachel Davis, Doctor
Louisa Kent, Neurology doctor in training
Ceri Wiltshire, Consultant Anaesthetist
Chloe Rowan Guy, GPST3 (and Mummy)
Dominika Murgasova, Paediatric senior registrar (ST8)
Michelle Lannon, Consultant in the NHS
Dr Kristy Lavall, GP
Sophie Ferguson, Doctor
Eilbhe Whelan, Obstetrics and Gynaecology speciality registrar
Kate Antonia Mills, consultant oncologist, Sykehuset Innlandet
Mhairi Roscoe, FY2 on maternity leave
Emily Hosker, Doctor
Kathryn Oprych, Clinical fellow in Genomics, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Dr Charlotte Daniels, GPST3
Sakinah Said Ali, ST3 Hull Royal Hospital Trust
Lucy Brennan, GP
Jessica Ford, Obstetrics and Gynaecology registrar, East Lancs Teaching Hospitals
Katie Austin, GP
Jennifer Mc Dicken, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Helen Sarah Bedford, GP, Driffield Medical Centre
Katherine Brooks, Anaesthetist
Dr Gemma Keelty, Paediatric Consultant
Abigail Pascoe, Consultant Clinical Oncologist and breastfeeding mother
Dr Victoria Kate Matharu, GP
Dawn Washington, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
Dr Clair Grainger, Doctor at Health Bridge Ltd
Amy Kang, GP Berryfields Medical Centre, Aylesbury
Nicola Pawley, Consultant Intensivist/Anaesthetist and mother to a newborn born in lockdown
Dr Katherine Lynch, Medical Registrar, Darent Valley Hospital
Amy Atkin, GPST3
Anne-Marie Woodward, GP
Samantha Robinson, GP
Janine Simpson, ST6 CSRH, NHS GGC
Kirsty Bisset, Parent, junior doctor
Amisha Mistry, Locum consultant paediatrician, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust
Fiona Henry, GP
Melissa Everett, GP 
Gabriella Capaldo, GP
Dr Samantha Scott, GP
Charlotte Durand, Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant, Alder Hey
Katharine Wheelband, GP
Dr T Penfold, GP
Claire Polley, GP, Heswall and Pensby Group Practice
Lucy Archer, Paediatric SHO and mother
Liz Gould, GP
Lucy Hook, Specialty Registrar, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Karen Pearson, Anaesthetic Consultant, NHS Tayside
Joanna Lumb, Consultant Microbiologist, Newcastle Hospitals
Katherime Arndtz, Mother and doctor
Kirsty Harris, Doctor
Alexandra Lee, General Practitioner
Dr Eleanor Harrison, Histopathology Registrar
Anne-Marie Guy, Paaediatric Consultant
Amy Davies, GPST3
Dr Naomi Eastwood, Senior Paediatric Specialty Trainee (ST7) neonatology
Jennifer Annis, GPST2
Lucia Macken, Doctor
Philippa Harris, Elderly Care Speciality Doctor
Charlotte Fowles, Doctor, NHS
Samuel Harris, GP
Dr Holly Puckett, GP registrar, North Devon NHS Trust
Joanna Lobaz, GP
Jodie Hussain, Paediatric Registrar
Dr Jia Leow, ST7 Paediatrics
Julia Soulsby, GP
Lucy McDonnell, GP
Dr Sarah McCallum, GP and breastfeeding counsellor
Beibei Du-Harpur, Dermatology ST5, Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital
Helen Brambley, Anaesthetist, Oxford University Hospitals
Dr Sarah Martin, General Practitioner
Gillian Paterson, Consultant Psychiatrist
Rachel Tait, GP
Megan Hartley, Paediatric Registrar, James Cook Hospital Middlesbrough
Danielle Trigg, Junior Doctor, Leeds Teaching Hospital
Ellen Dean, GP
Katherine Gillard, General Practitioner
Audyey Dillon, Consultant Hepatologist
Julie Campbell, Consultant Anaesthetist
Farzana Ahmed, Psychiatrist
Dr Andrea Whitehead, GP (NHS) and mother
Jo McCarthy, Consultant in Public Health
Zareena Amiruddin, A&E trust doctor, Northumbria Healthcare
Khadija Jamal, GP trainee ST1, Health Education Northwest
Dr Katherine Walesby, Clinical Research Fellow University of Edinburgh
Lauren Goundry, Registrar
Katie Marwick, Psychiatry Higher Trainee
Yvonne Abimbola, GP
Jennifer Ashtom, GPST1 Doctor, Pennine Acute Trust
Sally Carswell, GP (and breastfeeding mother of baby born during lockdown)
Dr Orla Walsh, Consultant Paediatrician
Lucy Simmons, Urology Registrar
Jemma Collins, Consultant Dermatologist, Aneurin Bevan UHB
Jillian Ann Samarasekara, Speciality Doctor, Community Child Health, NHS Lothian
Joanna Ish-Horowitz, GP registrar
Anna Green, GP
Dr Vidhya Nagaratnam, Consultant Anaesthetist, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust 
Katie Westwood, PHNT
Aimee Morgan, GP
Camilla Larsen, CST2, HENE
Charlotte Traynor, GP
Eimi Howse, GP registrar, NHS
Samantha Walker, GP
Anna Coulter, GP registrar
Marieke Thompson, Specialist Registrar, Cambridge
Dr Chloe Eulberg, Paediatrics Trainee ST1
Geetanjali Dutta, GP ST2 Doctor, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Natalia Albu, GP
Karen McLaughlin, GP
Sarah Palfreyman, Anaesthetist, NHS
Nicola Smith, GP, NHS
Victoria Key, GP
Fiona Thorburn, Infectious Disease Registrar
Rina Patel, Palliative Medicine Consultant 
Kate Thomas, Macmillan GP, CHCP Hull
Carla Harris, GPST3 Northwestern Deanery
Dr Antonia Venyo, salaried GP
Catriona Reid, GP
Rachael Huggins, Doctor
Claire Gilbert, Public Health Registrar, Yorkshire
Dr Rebecca Dawn Steel, General Practitioner
Dr Katie Dichard-Head, Psychiatry Trainee, Wessex
Hannah Welstead, Consultant Psychiatrist in psychotherapy
Bejal Devalia, ST8 paediatric registrar, Royal London Hospital
Sophia Palmer-Haynes, GPST3
Amy Phillips, GP
Aoibhin McGarrity, GP
Lauren Soltvedt, GP
Gabriela Socol, GP trainee/HSE
Elizabeth Charlestown, Junior doctor
Alice Whiteley-Jones, General Practitioner
Dr Sarah Moorhouse, Paediatric Trainee, Northern Deanery
Dr Claire Burnell-Hornby, GP
Elizabeth Morris, Doctor
Dr Sally Owen, GP, Hightown Surgery
Dr Katrina Elizabeth Harborne, Radiology Resgistrar
Claire Slade, GP
Jessica Cook, ST3 geriatrics – Royal Lancaster Infirmary
Nikki Higgins, Consultant Anaesthetist
Aishwarya Lant, ST4 Paediatric Registrar
Sarah Keith, GP
Dr Sofia Reynolds, Admin at Breastfeeding for Doctors
Helen French, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Registrar, Scotland Deanery
Robyn Powell, Founder of BFD and Emergency Medicine in the Northwest
Jill Harrison, Consultant Neonatologist, Liverpool Women’s Hospital
Dr Hannah Marshall, Paediatric Registrar
Dr Shahela Islam, ST5 CAMHS Higher Trainee
Rachel Babic, Anaesthetist
Ceri Jones, General Practitioner
Dr Samantha Chambers BSc MBChB (Honours) MRCS (Ed) DRCOG, GP ST2 Warwick Hospital
Rebecca Dunn, Gastro SpR, University Hospital of North Tees
Dr Bethan Warwick, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar, Gloucester Royal Hospital
Irene Paphiti Demetriou, Paediatrician and IBCLC
Yumnah Ras, GP trainee
Hannah Willis, GPST3
Rosemary Marsh, GP registrar, member of GPIFN
Rebecca Chambers, General Practitioner
Dr Chrishanthy Grace Jayarajah, Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist, CNWL, NHS Foundation Health Trust
Jenna Chambers, GP registrar
Rachel French, ST7 General Surgery
Catherine Woodward, GP trainee
Dr Philip Smith, Consultant Paediatrician
Helen Michael, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Leeds General Infirmary
Elizabeth Dove-Jay, Psychiatry Trainee
Jenny Barker, Public Health Registra, Wessex
Dr Cerian Davies, General Practice Registrar
Rose Dewinton, GP
Helen Lloyd, GP
Rebecca Evans-Jones, Consultant Obstetrician, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT
Faye Stanage, Doctor, SWLSTG Mental Health Trust
Melissa Hargreaves, CT3 Psychiatry Doctor
Dr Marese Murphy, GP
Michelle Horridge, Public Health Registrar
Dr Gemma Matthewman, GP, West Midlands
Dr Elizabeth Bell, GP
Vicky Young, GP, Glasgow
Thomas Dunne, NHS Doctor
Sarah Brennan, GP and NUI Galway, Ireland
Erin Vermaak, Consultant Rheumatologist
Annabelle Liew, Paediatric Registrar
Helen Hare, Junior Doctor, NHS Lothian
Dr Katherine Murnal, GP
Dr Nora Murray-Cavanagh, GP and founding member of Lothian Breastfeeding Partnership
Gemma Peachey, ST5 South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Cristina Ikonomu, ophthalmic surgeon
Hannah Roberts, GP trainee, currently on mat leave
Satwant Kaut, ST3 trainee, Walsall Manor Hospital
Rachel Wright, medical student and breastfeeding mother
Dr Tony Waterston, paediatrician
Tania Hebert, GPST3, Coventry and Warwickshire
Kirsten Simons, GP registrar
Danielle Baty, GP
Ben Shillitoe, Paediatric Registrar
Emily Titherington, Paediatrician NHS
Louise Hills, Core medical doctor
Amanda sinai, Doctor
Dr Ellen Stockley, GP, Warwick
Fiona Greenslade, GP Registrar
Lorna Youngson, GP
Lauren lock, Doctor, Poole hospital
Sanaa Ismail, GP
Dr Wei Cope, Doctor, Cambridge University Hospitals.
Alison Burridge, GPST1
Samantha Forster, O+G registrar, HENE
Dr Ruth Stanley, Consultant Paediatrician, The Great North Children’s Hospital
Emma Herbert, Doctor, Royal Stoke University Hospital
Emma Lim, Paediatrician Great North Children’s Hospital
Dr Rhian Thomas, General Practitioner
Dr Amy Garrett, GP and mum
Dr Victoria Glover, GP
Jemma Cleminson, Paediatric Registrar, Great North Children’s Hospital
Dr Donna Bell, Consultant physician
Dr Poppy Flanagan, Doctor
Emily Abraham, General Practitioner
Anna McDonald, Medical student, St George's University of London
Dr Joy Abbott, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist
Nora Imolya, Specialty Doctor
Dr Leesa Parkinson, Parent; Consultant in Paediatric and Adult Emergency Medicine
Puja Nanda, GP
Dr Claire Tilley, GP
Helen Chitty, Consultant Neonatologist
Lorna Davidson, GP
Dr Sandra McDermott, Associate Specialist SRH WHSCT
Sian Copley, Paediatric Registrar
Helen Flint, GP
Dr Adele Cowper, Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Rachel Neal, Paediatric ST2
Anne Lawson, Paediatric Surgeon
Dr Rebecca Dawn Steele, General Practitioner
Miriam Saey al-Rifai, Doctor
Kirrun Shafaat, GP
Dr Vanessa Watts, GP
Michelle Horridge, Public health registrar, Barnsley council
Dr Lorna Goldring, GP
Jenny Harrison, Consultant Physician
Helen Moore, Neonatal Consultant
Dr Helen Clemence, GP, Wells Health Centre
Laura Cleaton, GP
Stephanie Ooi, GP - MyHealthcare Clinic
Heather McFarland, GP, NHS
Heather Thomas, ST5 Paediatrics Liverpool Women's Hospital
Katherine Virk, GP
Iram Zaman, Consultant child and adolescent Psychiatrist
Saleha Patel, Junior Doctor at LHT
Rowena Yates, Consultant Community Paediatrician, Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust
Anne Lamena, Gynaecologist in training
Dr Penny Young, Consultant Paediatrician
Alison Thewliss, MP and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequality
Shereen Fisher, Chief Executive, The Breastfeeding Network
Nina White, Programme Manager, The Breastfeeding Network
Ayala Ochert, co-chair, Better Breastfeeding
Zara Bergman, member Director, Breastfeeding Network
Isabel Jordan RGN, IBCLC, Staff Nurse UHL
Professor Amy Brown, Center for Lactation, Infant Feeding and Translation, Swansea University
Eva Natali, Breastfeeding counsellor
Ruth Dennison, Breaking Breastfeeding Barriers
Kathryn Stagg, Breastfeeding Twins & Triplets UK
Alison McFadden, Professor of Mother and Infant Public Health, University of Dundee
Wendy Jones, Grandmother and Pharmacist
Helen Ball, Professory Durham University
Verity-Rose Webb, Breastfeeding counsellor
Hannah Ashford, Managing Director – Early Nourishment CIC
Louise Wylie, Midwife
Zoe Chadderton, Breastfeeding coordinator
Sally Dawes, Staff Nurse on neonatal unit
Victoria Clubley-Moore, LLL leader, La Leche League GB
Claire Parr, Public Health Midwife, Western Sussex NHS Hospitals Foundation Trust
Rachel Garman, Careers Officer
Zoe Stewart, Mother
Helen Lloyd, Chair La Leche League GB
Sarah Robinson, Doula UK doula
Georgia Charalmbous
Vasiliki Hadjinicolaou, Teacher
Christina Ttakka, Nurse 
Eleanna Kyriacou
Andri Thrasyvoulou, Mother
Stamatia Kondyli, Lawyer
Clare Whitehead, Infant Feeding Lead, Wirral Community NHS Health and Care Foundation Trust
Maria Victoria Estay
Georgia Mattheou, Lawyer
Artemis Nicolaou, Officer
Kirsty Kitchen, Birth Companions
Arielle Ball, Breastfeed Scotland/IBCLC
Raquib Ibrahim, Research and Development Officer at Mellow Parenting
Ms Nuria Macanas Comas, Doula breastfeeding support
Amanda Smith, Neonatal Infant Feeding Deputy Sister, University Hospitals of Leicester
Phyll Buchanan, BfN supporter
Professor Alison McFadden, Professor of Mother and Infant Public Health, University of Dundee
Christina Hadjithoma, Mother/Educator
Niki Chartosia, Academic
Elizabeth Stacey, Breastfeeding Lead Advisor, Dorset Healthcare
Ξενια Ξενοφώντος Αστυνομία Κύπρου 
Rachel O’Leary, Chair, Cambridge Breastfeeding Alliance
Melanie Woodward, Breastfeeding peer supporter
Yianna Andreou, Senior Account Manager
Christina Kaili, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies
Pani Pantelides, Neonatal physiotherapist
Caroline Lee-Davey, CEO Bliss
Despina Nicolaou, orthoptist and mother
Helen L Bushell, Breastfeeding Peer Support & Infant Feeding Support Worker
Susan Jarman, Retired Community Midwife
Kicki Hansard, founder of The BirthBliss Academy
Zoe Faulkner, Chair, Lactation Consultants of Great Britain
Clare Meynell RM (rtd) IBCLC, World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative Steering Group
Helen Gray MPhil IBCLC, World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative Steering Group
Alison Spiro, PhD, MSc, RGN, QN, RHV, World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative Steering Group
Patricia Wise, Breastfeeding Counsellor, BEd, Diploma in Counselling, World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative Steering Group
Angela McConville, CEO, National Childbirth Trust
Debbie Barnett MBE, UK Association of Milk Banks
Shel Banks, Local Infant Feeding Information Board and Nursing Matters
Joeli Brearley, CEO and Founder, Pregnant Then Screwed
Emma Pickett, Chair, Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
Hannah Golligy Thompson, breastfeeding mother of twins
Clare Hitchen, health visitor
Amanda Dunbar, IBCLC and volunteer counsellor
Beth Forster, parent
Cheryl Capstick, breastfeeding counsellor
Emma Jones, breastfeeding mother
Natalie Robson
Fiona Woodhouse, breastfeeding mother
Chloe Kane, mother
Louise Wyllie, midwife
Sarah Dowland, breastfeeding mother
Emma Silburn
Nicola Walton, parent
Rivca Fletcher, parent
Varuni Mallikaarachchi, parent
M Goldsmith, parent
Rebecca Rothwell
Helen Robinson, breastfeeding peer supporter
Abigail Lutas, owner and teacher baby College South Tyneside and Gateshead
Charlotte Tait, parent
Dr Julia Tonge PhD, senior manager in rare disease, ICON
Gemma Conroy, parent and paediatric sister
Hannah, parent
Elizabeth Bamber, primary teacher
Gill Mitchell, mother
And many more...


Hospital Infant Feeding Network
Breastfeeding for Doctors
GP Infant Feeding Network
Human Milk Foundation
Hearts Milk Bank
The Breastfeeding Network
La Leche League GB
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
National Childbirth Trust
All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequality
Better Breastfeeding
Doula UK
ButNotMaternity campaign (originated by The BirthBliss Academy)
World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative
Pregnant Then Screwed
Lactation Consultants GB
Early Nourishment CIC
Local Infant Feeding Board
Nursing Matters
UK Association of Milk Banking
If you would like to sign the letter please click here


Thank you for visiting the Hospital Infant Feeding Network. This website is a repository of relevant knowledge and best practice resources for health professionals. To join the conversation, ask questions and share your experiences please join us on Facebook or Twitter.

You may have noticed that we use 'additive' language on our website to refer to lactation and human milk feeding. This means that we might refer to 'breastfeeding/chestfeeding'. Chestfeeding is a term that some trans and non-binary people use to refer to feeding their child at the chest if the word breast is not congruent with their gender identity. Using additive language helps reduce a feeling of exclusion for non-binary and transgender people, without taking away from the importance of words like breastfeeding and mother. We do not always use additive language - for example when using infographics created by other organisations or referring to scientific research that didn't use additive language as this may not generalisable. There is a much more detailed description of the additive approach here.

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