Research findings
This page is kindly hosted by the Hospital Infant Feeding Network. Here you can download postcards, posters, leaflets and infographics showing the results of a research project on milk expression after preterm birth. This research formed part of a PhD at the University of Oxford for Dr Ilana Levene, co-chair of HIFN. The resources are provided for download to use in hospitals and other settings.
Leaflets for families
Leaflets on breastfeeding and milk expression for families who are at risk of preterm birth, have given birth preterm or have/are expecting a baby with a surgical problem affecting early milk feeding. Click on the images below to download a pdf for printing
This leaflet is designed to fold into 3 panels. It is for families who are still pregnant and know they might give birth to a premature baby
This leaflet is designed to fold into 3 panels. It is for families who have had a baby born between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy
This leaflet is designed to fold into 3 panels. It is for families who have had a baby born before 34 weeks of pregnancy
This leaflet is designed to fold into 3 panels. It is for families who are expecting a baby with a surgical problem affecting early milk feeding (or who find out after birth). This includes conditions like oesophageal atresia, gastroschisis, exomphalos, congenital diaphragmatic hernia and some forms of congenital heart disease.