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Significant jaundice can be associated with decreased breastfeeding frequency and dehydration. However some babies need treatment for jaundice without signs of dehydration - if the assessment of breastfeeding/chestfeeding is not concerning and jaundice is not severe then these babies don't need supplemental milk intake.


NICE guidance recommends that parents of jaundiced babies should be encouraged to breastfeed/chestfeed frequently and to wake the baby for feeds if necessary. Feeding and lactation support should be increased. If standard intensity phototherapy is indicated, the baby can have short breaks of up to 30 minutes for breastfeeding/chestfeeding. If intensified phototherapy is indicated enteral or intravenous feeds will be needed - expressed milk is the feed of choice.


Voice of the breastfeeding/chestfeeding family


See Hayley and Jenny's stories



Thank you for visiting the Hospital Infant Feeding Network. This website is a repository of relevant knowledge and best practice resources for health professionals. To join the conversation, ask questions and share your experiences please join us on Facebook or Twitter.


You may have noticed that we use 'additive' language on our website to refer to lactation and human milk feeding. This means that we might refer to 'breastfeeding/chestfeeding'. Chestfeeding is a term that some trans and non-binary people use to refer to feeding their child at the chest if the word breast is not congruent with their gender identity. Using additive language helps reduce a feeling of exclusion for non-binary and transgender people, without taking away from the importance of words like breastfeeding and mother. We do not always use additive language - for example when using infographics created by other organisations or referring to scientific research that didn't use additive language as this may not generalisable. There is a much more detailed description of the additive approach here.

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